
Challenge Level : K-2 Challenge Level : 3-4 Challenge Level : 5-6 Challenge Level : 7-9 Challenge Level : 9plus
ID Title Author  
All in a day
Learning to read time has never been so much fun! Follow the comings and goings of everyone who lives and works in the same building and enjoy the interactive search-and-find as we see what they are up to throughout different times of the day.
ISBN 9781922610539
Publisher Berbay Publishing, 2022
Takeuchi, Chihiro
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Whose bones?
Guess which animal just by looking at their bones. A masterpiece of paper-cut art for a fun introduction to the vertebrate animal world.
ISBN 9780648785163
Publisher Berbay Publishing, 2020
Takeuchi, Chihiro
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Whose dinosaur bones?
From inside to out, dinosaurs will be revealed. From ankylosaurs to velociraptors, so many favourite dinosaurs are in skeletal pieces ready to be recovered.
ISBN 9781922610485
Publisher Simon & Schuster, 2022
Takeuchi, Chihiro
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Where should Grace the witch live?
On the hillside is a small, beautiful house where Grace the Witch lives. Anyone who stumbles upon this house would love it, so unsurprisingly, Ant, Rat, Snake and Frog all want to live there, too. But Grace the Witch does not like to share her house and wants to live somewhere quiet. Where should Grace the Witch live?
ISBN 9781760360382
Publisher Starfish Bay Publishers, 2018
Tang, Sulan & Yang, Sifan (ill)
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Snail's crowded house
The rain doesn't worry Snail, because he carries his own little house with him everywhere he goes. An ant, a rabbit and a little boy came running through the rain. One after the other they all ask Snail the same question, "Can I stay in your house until the rain stops?" How will Snail's shell hold them all?
ISBN 9781760360399
Publisher Starfish Bay Publishers, 2018
Tang, Sulan & Zheng, Suming (ill)
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My Grandad is a rebel. We call him Granbad. He doesn't believe in screen time limits or healthy snacks but he does believe in saving the planet. Good thing he is rule breaker.
ISBN 9780702266232
Publisher University of Queensland Press, 2023
Tangey, Penny & Baldwin, Peter (ill)
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Lily and the fairy house
Lily knows that fairies live near the gum tree. She has created a fairy house and, now, Lily's preparing a fairy party.
ISBN 9780670075102
Publisher Penguin Books Australia, 2012
Tanner, Jane
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Love from Grandma
When Emily and her family move, she has to leave her beloved grandma behind. Grandma gives her a strawberry plant to remind her of the fun they have together in the garden. While she waits for Grandma to visit, the strawberry plant grows and starts to flower and then fruit, until Grandma finally arrives, bringing the best present of all.
ISBN 9780670074099
Publisher Viking Children's, 2010
Tanner, Jane
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Ben gets a little, bouncy puppy to love.
ISBN 9780140541472
Publisher Viking Children's, 2002
Tanner, Jane
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Ella and the ocean
Ella lived in the red-dirt country where the earth was as dry as old bones and it hadn't rained for years and years and years. One night Ella dreamt of the ocean.
ISBN 9781760633691
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2019
Tanner, Lian & Bentley, Jonathan (ill)
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First book about the orchestra
Readers will enjoy discovering the magic of music by pressing the pages of this book to hear the orchestra come to life.
ISBN 9781409597667
Publisher Usborne Publishing Ltd, 2016
Taplin, Sam & Longcroft, Sean (ill)
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Aunty's wedding
Everyone on the island is getting ready for Aunty's wedding. Maningawu puts on her best hat and I can wear a wurrijinga in my hair. Lucky! We all dress up, but I still don't understand. Why do people have a wedding?
ISBN 9781760524838
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2020
Tapsell, Miranda & Tyler, Joshua & Fry, Samantha (ill)
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Conga dance
Join the line, the conga line. One by one, Australian animals and birds join the conga line, dancing together until they fall in a tangle at the end.
ISBN 9781742761107
Publisher Koala Books, 2015
Tarlau, Amanda & Chapman, Jane (ill)
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How to become a knight: In ten easy lessons
The King needs a new knight! But with Sir Simpleton training Sam in all the wrong ways, how will he ever master the tricks of the trade?
ISBN 9781454923305
Publisher Sterling Publishing Co, 2018
Tarpley, Todd & Harney, Jenn (ill)
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Colours (lift the flap)
Lift-the-flap and reveal brightly coloured photographs of familiar objects.
ISBN 9780751331080
Publisher Dorling Kindersley, 2002
Taylor, Geraldine (consultant)
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I want to be in a scary story
I want to be in a scary story. Are you sure Little Monster? Scary stories can be very scary! Yes, I'm sure. Well, okay then. Here goes...
ISBN 9781406363463
Publisher Walker Books, 2017
Taylor, Sean & Jullien, Jean (ill)
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We are together
On our own we're special, and we can chase our dream. But when we join up, hand in hand, together we're a team.
ISBN 9781848576582
Publisher Little tiger press, 2018
Teckentrup, Britta
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Molly the pirate
Young Molly's imagination knows no bounds when she transforms her Australian backyard into an adventure playground on the high seas. Molly conjures up a pirate ship on her inland horizon and takes her loyal cat and dog along for the ride as she rows across the choppy ocean to the unsuspecting pirates. On board, she meets a feisty crew of salty buccaneers who look suspiciously like her own farmyard chickens. They are no match for Molly's daring exploits as she walks the plank, dances jolly jigs, scrambles up the rigging, or is that a clothesline? And steers the ship like a true seafaring adventurer.
ISBN 9781925360660
Publisher Magabala Books, 2017
Teece, Lorraine & Seden, Paul (ill)
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What's that awful smell
The animals are being driven out of the barn by a hideous smell. They all think it is the little piglet but perhaps it is a case of mistaken identity.
ISBN 9780142405864
Publisher Puffin USA, 2004
Tekavec, Heather & Spengler, Margaret (ill)
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Mike I don't like
Mike has no hesitation in letting anyone know exactly how he feels, and it appears that there is much he does not like. Mike loudly proclaims his dislike of everything from sandwiches to lizards, from cheese to tickles, all described in rhyme just itching to be spoken aloud.
ISBN 9780733333255
Publisher ABC Books, 2014
Temple, Jol & Temple, Kate & Foye, Jon (ill)
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Parrot carrot
See what happens when you mix animals that rhyme with objects and then illustrate them. Lots of mixed-up animals and humour.
ISBN 9781742376868
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2011
Temple, Jol & Temple, Kate & Foye, Jon (ill)
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I got this hat
If you enjoy wearing hats, you'll enjoy this book. But don't wear it as a hat, as it will fall off.
ISBN 9780733332067
Publisher ABC Books, 2013
Temple, Jol and Temple, Kate & Foye, Jon (ill)
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Room on our rock
Two seals are perched on a rock. When others need shelter, do they share it?
ISBN 9781742764108
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2018
Temple, Kate & Temple, Jol & Baynton, Terri Rose (ill)
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Are you my bottom?
Something is missing. I'm not sure what. Oh dear; I know it. I've lost my BOT! When I went to sleep, it was definitely here. But today, I wake up and I have NO REAR! Small Panda has lost his bottom. It was there when he went to sleep but now it has disappeared. He searches high and low, and finds stripy bums, pink butts, feathery derrieres. 'Are you my bottom?' he asks, but none of these bottoms are his. Finally, he spots a furry bum which just has to be his - but the answer is surprising!
ISBN 9781760631642
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2018
Temple, Kate & Temple, Jol & Ghosh, Ronojoy (ill)
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In-between things
Between inside and outside, between upstairs and down, a world of in-between things can be found!
ISBN 9780763689834
Publisher Candlewick Press, 2018
Tey, Priscilla
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Monster party
Monsters have a party at Dora Lake and go galumphing all over the place.
ISBN 9781925360554
Publisher Magabala Books, 2018
The Children of Rawa Community School & Lester, Alison & Godwin, Jane
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Vincent's colors
Van Gogh's paintings cleverly mixed with text from Van Gogh's letters. A wonderful introduction to the more sophisticated world of visual art through a simple introduction to colour. American spelling.
ISBN 9780811850995
Publisher Chronicle Books, 2005
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
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Drawing together
Lucy, Jack and Ibrahim start school together but everyone else has a best friend. It is not easy for three people to all be best friends.
ISBN 9781844281176
Publisher Walker Books, 2005
Thebo, Mimi & Meserve, Jessica (ill)
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I love you because I love you
I love you because you tell the best stories. Because I love you, my best story is you. Who do you love and why do you love them? This is a happy book about the people who we love in our lives. It looks at the big and small reasons we love the people we do.
ISBN 9780062894595
Publisher HarperCollins Publishers Ltd, UK, 2022
Thi Van, Muon & Love, Jessica
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Allergic alpaca
The start of the alphabet is a wonderful place to live... unless you're allergic to apples. After an accidental tumble through the alphabet, Alpaca must find her way back home to her friends, Ape, Alligator, Albatross, Anteater and Aardvark. But the longer Alpaca is away from home, the better she feels her spots disappear, her nose stops running and she has a clear head for the first time ever. Perhaps the start of the alphabet, with all its apples, isn't the best place for an alpaca after all.
ISBN 9781760503437
Publisher Little Hare Books, 2019
Thomas, Kiah & Brecon, Connah (ill)
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Foothand, Elbownose
Max'ss foot is fed up and wants to be a hand instead - over puddles and prickles and being trod on every day - and Max, being ever so obliging, agrees. All is fine until the other body parts start putting in requests of their own, and when Max finds himself with not only a foothand but an elbownose, headbottom and a mouthear, he has no choice but to send the body parts back to where they belong. Which, as it happens, suits them.
ISBN 9781760502027
Publisher Hardie Grant Egmont, 2019
Thomas, Kiah & Brecon, Connah (ill)
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I can be safe
Shows children how to be safe and stay safe in lots of everyday situations.
ISBN 9780750242646
Publisher Hodder Children's Books (Australia), 2003
Thomas, Pat & Harker, Lesley
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It's very quiet in Stanley's house. There are no brothers or sisters, no dads or grannies, not even a cat, a budgie or a goldfish. Stanley lives with his human, Gerald, and Gerald's mum. Life is peaceful but, sometimes, Stanley feels quite lonely. Then, one day at the park, another dog steals Stanley's favourite red rubber ball and sets in motion a chain of events that will change Stanley's life forever.
ISBN 9780733332852
Publisher ABC Books, 2016
Thompson, Colin
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Round and round and round and round
When Mrs Golightly retires, she buys a bike and sets off round the world.
ISBN 9780733613470
Publisher Hodder Headline Australia Pty Ltd, 2002
Thompson, Colin & Gamble, Penelope
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No place like home
Big Jim, the old horse, knows that the best thing about going away is coming home. Every summer, Big Jim pulls the caravan that takes Max and his family around the countryside to perform their acrobatics and magic theatre show.
ISBN 9780733613234
Publisher Hodder Headline Australia Pty Ltd, 2001
Thompson, Collin & Pignataro, Anna (ill)
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Other bears, The
Mother and Father Koala are suspicious of the other bears and surprised that they are so different. But, the little koalas have other ideas.
ISBN 9781921361951
Publisher Fremantle Press, 2010
Thompson, Michael
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Emu egg, The
Searching for emu eggs can be more risky than you'd expect.
ISBN 9780975064122
Publisher Indij Readers, 2004
Thorpe, Sharon & Leffler, David (ill)
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Scared book, The
This story is about to begin, when our book realises it might be a scary story! Help, can you help? What are some of the ways you can help yourself when feeling scared? Fun and interactive story with wonderful illustrations.
ISBN 9780734417503
Publisher Hachette Children's Books, 2017
Tidball, Debra
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When I see Grandma
Visiting Grandma can sometimes be sad, but a little girl and her brother brighten Grandma's dreams and bring warmth and laughter to the residents of an aged care home.
ISBN 9781921632594
Publisher Wombat Books, 2014
Tidball, Debra & Hedstrom, Leigh (ill)
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Ship heads out to sea leaving Tug behind in port. Despite being oceans apart, they remain connected by love. This warm hug of a story will offer comfort to anyone who's ever felt a little lonely or uncertain.
ISBN 9781922539496
Publisher EK Books, 2023
Tidball, Debra & Li, Arielle (ill)
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Day we built the bridge, The
'The day we built the bridge' celebrates our connection with one another, and declares that despite the greatest of challenges, together we can make history. This is the story of how the Sydney Harbour Bridge went from a dream to reality.
ISBN 9781925227437
Publisher MidnightSun Publishing, 2019
Tidy, Samantha & Burrows, Fiona (ill)
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On the night you were born
Through rhyming text, this book celebrates you and the joy you have brought just by being.
ISBN 9781741693935
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2009
Tillman, Nancy
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Crocodiles and giraffes, driving lots of cars, go bang.
ISBN 9781877579172
Publisher Gecko Press, 2013
Timmers, Leo
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Elephant Island
When Elephant is shipwrecked on a tiny island, who will rescue him? Does he need rescuing? When mouse and dog and a host of other animals arrive, they find that Elephant is happy on his tiny island and welcomes them to share it too.
ISBN 9781776574346
Publisher Walker Books, 2022
Timmers, Leo
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I am the king
The animals are trying to establish who should be king of the animals. It could be Goat, Flamingo, Snake, Pig, Crocodile or even Elephant.
ISBN 9780958278720
Publisher Gecko Press, 2007
Timmers, Leo
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Who's driving
This is a picture book for drivers of all ages. A new play on the fable of the hare and the tortoise.
ISBN 9780958272025
Publisher Gecko Press, 2006
Timmers, Leo
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Why elephant has a trunk
There was a time when Elephant had no nose at all. You see, he was big, he was clumsy and he was very, very smelly. But, his friends didn't tell him because they didn't want to upset him.
ISBN 9780141327815
Publisher Puffin UK, 2010
Tinga Tinga Tales
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Why giraffe has a long neck
You see, there was a time when Giraffe didn't have a long neck. She had short legs, short horns and a very short, stumpy neck. She was also a very fussy eater. When Giraffe tried to get some honey from deep inside a tree, everything changed.
ISBN 9780141335056
Publisher Puffin UK, 2011
Tinga Tinga Tales
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Why lion roarrrs
There was a time when Lion wasn't like a King. You could even say that Lion had no roar. But, something happened when the animals asked Lion to make snappy Crocodile share the waterhole.
ISBN 9780141335216
Publisher Puffin UK, 2011
Tinga Tinga Tales
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Why monkey swings in trees
There was a time when Monkeys didn't swing in the trees. They used to stay on the ground and play. And, they loved to wind Crocodile up. One day, Crocodile got cross and went snap.
ISBN 9780141327839
Publisher Puffin UK, 2010
Tinga Tinga Tales
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My summer with Grandad
Eric loves spending the summer holidays with his grandad. This year was going to be really special because Eric was going to learn how to work on his Grandad's fishing boat. But Eric was not a good fisherman. His grandad gave him a special job of Chief Seagull 'Shoo-er'. Eric was good at his new job until he found a baby seagull trapped in a fishing net. Eric and his Grandad rescue the little seagull and take care of him. Eric called his new friend Beaky and took special care of him until it was time for Beaky to fly away. It was the right thing to do but how could Eric say goodbye to his new friend? It seems Beaky had another idea. Read the story and find out.
ISBN 9781922326140
Publisher New Frontier Publishing, 2020
Tinn-Dinsbury, Tom
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Caveman next door, The
Trying to fit into the modern world when you are a caveman isn't easy. Ogg always seems to get things wrong...with hilarious results. Poor Ogg, he just wants to fit in. Luckily he has his best friend Penny to help him.
ISBN 9781925594850
Publisher New Frontier Publishing, 2019
Tinn-Disbury, Tom
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Birthday cake mystery, The
This is a detective story, full of humorous details and red herrings. Follow the many different leads, presented in the illustrations,
ISBN 9781877579103
Publisher Gecko Press, 2012
Tjong-Khing, The
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Oscar's tower of flowers
When Oscar's mum has to go away for a while, Oscar feels a bit lost. But then he waters a forgotten, wilting plant. The leaves perk up and Oscar perks up, too. Oscar soon discovers the joy of sowing seeds, lots and lots of seeds.
ISBN 9781406391879
Publisher Walker Books, 2021
Tobia, Lauren
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Secret of black rock, The
Erin is fascinated by the legend of Black Rock. A huge, dark and spiky mass that is said to destroy any boats that come near it. But are the tales really true? One day Erin sneaks on board her mother's fishing boat to find out...
ISBN 9781911171256
Publisher Flying Eye Books, 2017
Todd-Stanton, Joe
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Mallee sky
An extremely timely and beautiful picture book about the effects of drought and climate change in the Mallee. The first people of the land call the Mallee "Nowie". It means sunset country. When the sun goes down the red heat of the day bleeds into the sky and sets it on fire. Drought and rain -- life under a Mallee Sky. This poetic text by emerging author Jodi Toering is beautifully accompanied by lush oil paintings by fine artist and illustrator Tannya Harricks.
ISBN 9781925381672
Publisher Walker Books, 2019
Toering, Jodi & Harricks, Tannya
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Night watch
Sunset beckons. Moon appears and tawny frogmouth stirs. She begins her nightly flight, watching over all the animals nestled down to sleep in the burrows and branches of the Australian bush.
ISBN 9781760655310
Publisher Walker Books Australia Pty Ltd, 2024
Toering, Jodi & Harricks, Tannya
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Coral sea dreaming
Coral Sea Dreaming will take you on a colourful underwater adventure through a magical coral reef. Swim with manta rays, pat a parrotfish, float with the fish and beware of the creatures that lurk beneath - looking for their next meal. Enjoy the poetic text, learn more about the creatures that live in this underwater environment and discover how you can help preserve this multi-coloured marine environment for future generations to enjoy.
ISBN 9780994238849
Publisher Silkim Books, 2017
Toft, Kim Michelle
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Sea of words, A: An ABC of the deep blue sea
Fantastic alphabet book of aquatic animals, with each letter making great use of alliteration and supported by amazing illustration.
ISBN 9780975839003
Publisher Silkim Books, 2006
Toft, Kim Michelle
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Taxi, go!
This taxi has lots of work to do. Such a busy day ahead. Join in on its busy day. Here we go. Cabs are resting in a line. Wake up, Taxi. Rise and shine! Fill the tank. Check the tyres. Roof light on-now for hire!
ISBN 9781406385687
Publisher Walker Books, 2024
Toht, Patricia & Karipidou, Maria
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Blue kind of day, A
Coen is having a blue kind of day and Mum, Dad and little sister Junie think they know how to make the blue go away. But sometimes it takes time for blue to go because feelings can't be rushed, and it's okay to feel blue.
ISBN 9781761046384
Publisher Penguin, 2022
Tomlinson, Rachel & Mordey, Tori-Jay (ill)
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Yellow truck road train
Dad is waiting for the wet season to end so Yellow Truck Road Train can get back to work. There are cattle and donkeys to load, kangaroos to look out for, heat and dust, and always plenty to do. Come aboard Yellow Truck Road Train and experience life in the outback and on the road!
ISBN 9781760525811
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2020
Tootell, Mandy
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Mr Pegg's post
Anna and her parents live in a lighthouse, surrounded by the ocean, far from neighbours and friends. Their only visitor is Mr Pegg, the postman. But when Mr Pegg needs help with his deliveries, Anna comes to the rescue. Maybe she will find some friends after all?
ISBN 9781925594195
Publisher New Frontier Publishing, 2018
Topouzoglou, Elena
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Pip finds a home
After a long journey over the seas, Pip arrives at the South Pole. But as he meets his fellow penguins, he realises he is not quite the same as them. What makes him different...and does it matter?
ISBN 9781925594744
Publisher New Frontier Publishing, 2019
Topouzoglou, Elena
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Butterfly garden, The
An entertaining introduction to the life cycle of a butterfly - played out by a fat caterpillar, a hungry kookaburra and a supporting cast of beautiful butterflies.
ISBN 9781925936995
Publisher Magabala Books, 2019
Torres, Michael & Martins, Fern (ill)
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Peas and quiet
Best friends Pip and Pop live in peapod, but sometimes it can get a little too cosy- especially because they are so different! Pip loves to sing, while Pop won't stop snoring. How are they ever going to work out how to live together?
ISBN 9781460752395
Publisher Angus & Robertson (HarperCollins), 2017
Tozer, Gabrielle & deGennaro, Sue (ill)
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Super adventures of Ollie and Bea, The: Bats what friends are for
Ollie makes a new friend, but Bea is not so happy about it. Ollie decides to let Bea spend some time with his new friend and hope the two can get along.
ISBN 9781761066672
Series Ollie and Bea series NEW 2025 (3 of 99)
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2022
Tremi, Renee
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Colour for curlews
Who could resist a little dab of colour here and there? Two curious curlews discover a stash of paints and brushes. An adorable case of Australian birds introduce readers to the joy of colours and colour mixing.
ISBN 9781925563320
Publisher Wombat Books, 2018
Treml, Renee
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Great garden mystery, The
Someone is stealing the beetroots, would could it be. Join us in the garden and we'll unravel this mystery.
ISBN 9780857984166
Publisher Random House Australia Pty Ltd, 2014
Treml, Renee
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One very tired wombat
How hard can it be to find a little peace and quiet. Unfortunately for wombat, he's about to find out.
ISBN 9781742755786
Publisher Random House Australia Pty Ltd, 2012
Treml, Renee
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Super adventures of Ollie and Bea, The: It's owl good
Ollie is an owl who wears glasses. And Bea is a bunny with very big feet. Can they each help their friends to find their otter-ly awesome inner super hero?
ISBN 9781760526474
Series Ollie and Bea series NEW 2025 (1 of 99)
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2021
Treml, Renee
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Super adventures of Ollie and Bea, The: Squeals on wheels
Ollie is having a hoot on his rollerskates, but Bea is full of excuses for why she can't join in. Will Bea realise that sometimes it's okay to look silly, and that real friends don't carrot all if you have very big feet?
ISBN 9781760526481
Series Ollie and Bea series NEW 2025 (2 of 99)
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2021
Treml, Renee
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Super adventures of Ollie and Bea, The: Wise quackers
Ollie and Bea want to play detectives, but at first there does not seem to be any case for them to solve. When Ollie accidentally loses Bea's stuffed toy, they have their mystery.
ISBN 9781761066665
Series Ollie and Bea series NEW 2025 (4 of 99)
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2022
Treml, Renee
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Delilah's dream
Delilah isn't like other hens. Her head is full of all sorts of dreams about life beyond the farmyard gate. Most of all, she dreams of soaring higher than the eagles and touching the clouds. One day, when a fox enters the chook yard, Delilah must act quickly.
ISBN 9781921042232
Publisher New Frontier Publishing, 2009
Trevaskis, Ian & Dawson, Janine (ill)
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I've lost my kisses
Matilda has lost her kisses but she is determined to find them before Poppa comes to stay. She wonders what kisses look like and where they can be found. Matilda searches everywhere and it seems that everyone has kisses, except her.
ISBN 9781865044217
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2007
Trewin, Trudie & Bland, Nick (ill)
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Calpepper's place
Calpepper has had enough of plodding through the hot desert sand and sets out for excitement and far away places, searching for the perfect home.
ISBN 9781922081322
Publisher Windy Hollow Books, 2014
Trewin, Trudie & Gynell, Donna (ill)
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Wibbly Wobbly Street
The city of Squareton had streets that were all smooth and wide and very, very straight except for Wibbly Wobbly Street. The mayor and his council try to straighten Wibbly Wobbly Street, but they should think again.
ISBN 9781741695618
Publisher Scholastic Australia, 2010
Trewin, Trudie & Orsini, Cheryl
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One woolly wombat
Zany Australian animals parade through this counting book, including five pesky platypuses and fourteen slick seals.
ISBN 9780140507584
Publisher Omnibus Books, 1987
Trinca, Rod & Argent, Kerry (ill)
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Greta and the giants
Greta is a little girl who lives in a beautiful forest threatened by Giants. When the Giants first came to the forest, they chopped down trees to make houses. Then they chopped down more trees and made even bigger homes. The houses grew into towns and the towns grew into cities, until now there is hardly any forest left. Greta knows she has to help the animals who live in the forest, but how? Luckily, Greta has an idea...
ISBN 9780711254558
Publisher Quarto Group, 2019
Tucker, Zoe & Persico, Zoe (ill)
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Press here
Press here. That's right, just press the yellow dot. Now turn the page.
ISBN 9781742375281
Publisher Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, 2011
Tullet, Herve
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Piper picks the perfect pet
My dad says I can choose a pet, but I'm not sure which pet to get. A dog, a cat, a fish, a rat? How can Piper pick the perfect pet when there are so many appealing possibilities?
ISBN 9781925804591
Publisher Ford Street Publishing, 2020
Tuohey, Caroline & Johnston, Nicky (ill)
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Pandora lives alone, in a world of broken things. No one ever comes to visit, so she spends her time gathering and mending what she can. But when a bird falls from the sky, slowly her world begins to change...
ISBN 9781847807496
Publisher Frances Lincoln, 2016
Turnbull, Victoria
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If I was a banana
A boy's eye-view of the everyday brings alive all the wonder and oddity of the world inside our own heads.
ISBN 9781776570331
Publisher Gecko Press, 2016
Tylee, Alexandra & Rynhart, Kieran (ill)
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Ready. Set. Discover Logan
Yana arrives in the city of Logan with her family, feeling alone. She's not sure what children can do in Logan. Yana meets Bunji, an Aboriginal boy at a Logan City library. Bunji shows Yana the best places for kids to explore and play.
ISBN 9780994302199
Publisher Digital Future Press, 2018
Tyrrell, Karen
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Bailey beats the blah
Bailey hates his new school. His tummy aches. He has no friends. His dog Fuzzy slobbers all over him. BLAH! How can Bailey change his BLAH to HA-HA-HA?
ISBN 9780987274045
Publisher Digital Future Press, 2018
Tyrrell, Karen & Pocock, Aaron (ill)
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Harry helps Grandpa remember
Harry and Grandpa love playing hide-and-seek together. Over time Grandpa becomes grumpy and forgetful, refusing to play games with Harry anymore. On Grand-parent's Day, Grandpa becomes confused and lost. He couldn't even remember Harry's name. Then Harry discovers clever ways to boost Grandpa's memory. How does Harry help Grandpa remember?
ISBN 9780987274083
Publisher Digital Future Press, 2015
Tyrrell, Karen & Pocock, Aaron (ill)
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